With a massive snowstorm bearing down on the Eastern United States, many Americans went all-out to prepare for a projected 25-75 centimetres of snowfall. They stocked up at grocery stores, filled up on gas, and logged on to social media sites.

There was a battle over which hashtags to use to track the storm. Should it be #blizzard2016, #snowmageddon2016 or #snowzilla?

There were plenty of "Game of Thrones" references early in the day.

Forecasters had been warning about the storm for days, and that prompted a rush at grocery stores.

They are calling for a little snow so everyone is rushing to the store. Well, I guess 1-2 feet is a bit more than just...

Posted by Rita Jean Snyder on Thursday, January 21, 2016

It wasn’t just grocery stores that were busy.

A T-shirt maker also tried to cash in on the hype.

Pets seemed oblivious to the impending peril.

Many turned to Twitter to mock the snowmageddon fears, including a few Canadians.

From a weather-hardened Canadian perspective, some of the tweets are just downright adorable.

The snow caused quite a few problems for drivers unaccustomed to winter conditions.

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie got out of dodge early, announcing in a tweet that he was heading home from New Hampshire to beat the storm.

Several major-league sports events scheduled for this weekend were cancelled.