
Man arrested after armed robbery on Front Road


1900 block of Front Road in LaSalle, Ont. (Source: Google Maps)

LaSalle police have arrested a 28-year-old man after an armed robbery on Front Road.

Officers attended a business in the 1900 block of Front Road just before 1 a.m. on Sunday.

Police say the suspect entered the business and brandished a knife to the employee, demanding money and merchandise then fled the area in a UHaul truck.

The suspect was located shortly afterwards in the Amherstburg by Windsor police officers.

The man was charged with the following criminal offences:


-Disguise with Intent

-Possession of Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

-Uttering Threats to cause bodily harm

-Failure to comply with release order x3

The accused was held in custody for a bail hearing to answer to the above charges. The accused was also charged by Windsor Police Service for offences that occurred in the City of Windsor.