FREDERICTON - Longtime Fredericton MP Andy Scott says he's getting out of federal politics.

Scott, who has represented the New Brunswick capital region since 1993, announced Monday night he will not be running in the next federal election, which could come this spring.

He told his riding association he will not run again due to family considerations and a desire to pursue other interests, which he did not specify.

Scott and his wife, Denise, have a one-year-old son, Noah. His two oldest sons, Nathan and Nicholas, are in their early 20s.

"I have been truly blessed to have family members who are very patient, supportive and understanding of this job and the demands it places on one's time,'' he said.

"However, with a new young family member and my wife having increasing professional responsibilities of her own, this seemed like the appropriate time for me to step aside.''

Scott said he will finish his current term until a new member has been elected.

During his time on the federal Liberal benches, Scott served as minister of Indian affairs, minister for infrastructure and housing, solicitor general and regional minister for New Brunswick.

His most difficult time came during his days as solicitor general. In 2001, NDP MP Dick Proctor told the Commons he overheard Scott discussing the inquiry into the RCMP handling of protests during the 1997 APEC conference with his seatmate on an airplane.

Scott ultimately resigned amid charges of bias.

He was back in the federal Liberal cabinet under former prime minister Paul Martin, serving as minister of Indian affairs.

Scott said Monday he told Liberal Leader Stephane Dion in January that he was probably going to leave federal politics.

"Mr. Dion will continue to have my complete confidence and support,'' Scott said.

"Our leader brings all the qualities and characteristics most people look for in politicians; he's earnest, has an incredible work ethic, an intelligent public-policy mind and a respect for Canadians and Canadian institutions.''