
Girl shot with firework, burned during unruly B.C. Halloween gathering


A firework flies overhead as a group of young people party in Delta, B.C., on Halloween night. (Handout)

Police are investigating an unruly Halloween gathering of hundreds of teenagers and young adults in Delta, B.C., that resulted in multiple injuries – including to a girl whose jacket caught fire after being shot with a firework.

That girl suffered a "significant injury" after the flames burned her upper arm and shoulder, the Delta Police Department said in a news release.

Authorities estimate up to 400 people gathered in the area of South Delta Secondary School and Dennison Park on Monday night, with some of them allegedly damaging property and creating a commotion that lasted several hours.

"Fireworks were deliberately fired at youth and bystanders, including first responders who were intentionally targeted," police said in the news release.

"The Delta Fire Department extinguished dumpster and bush fires in the area. Thankfully recent rain reduced these fires spreading."

Authorities said a number of other young people were hurt at the gathering, as were two police officers who suffered injuries that were described as "minor" but still enough to prompt WorkSafeBC claims.

Police said a number of property damage reports have also been filed in relation to the Halloween party, but did not provide a cost estimate for the totality of the damage.

"In previous years, throughout Delta, our officers typically saw Halloween celebrations of small groups and small amounts of fireworks. 2022 presented differently. Last night our officers observed organized, deliberate attempts to do damage and cause disruption," Delta Police Chief Neil Dubord said in a statement.

Authorities are working to identify suspects who were involved in the mayhem, including whoever shot the firework that lit the one victim's jacket on fire.

Investigators have asked anyone with pictures or video of what happened to share them through the Delta Police Department's website.