
Coronavirus precautions mean no filling your own mug at some coffee shops


Restaurant industry taking COVID-19 precautions You'll notice the impact of the COVID-19 spread the next time you visit a Starbucks or a Second Cup. Both companies are taking new precautions to deal with the virus.

Vancouver — Two major coffee chains are temporarily putting a stop to filling mugs customers bring from home in a bid to help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

Starbucks locations are now sporting signs explaining the decision. In an emailed statement, a spokesperson for the company told CTV the move affects shops in Canada and the U.S., and added they "are optimistic this will be a temporary situation."

The Second Cup coffee chain has also announced they are also not filling reusable mugs for now but will still honour the associated discount if customers bring one.

The Bulk Barn Foods grocery chain has alerted its customers it will not be allowing the use of reusable containers at this time.

Meanwhile, the local restaurant industry is hoping to reassure people it is still safe to eat out.

Ian Tostenson, president and CEO of the B.C. Restaurant Association, told CTV News Vancouver while hygiene standards have always been high, "This has probably heightened their awareness to make sure that all the protocols are in place, even better than before. So, it’s a safe place to be."

Tostenson said they are expecting to see more of an increase in home meal deliveries across the board.

"We’ve got to get back out there and support this economy, it’s really important," he said. "Wash your hands, use common sense, and keep your life going."