VANCOUVER - Details about the public inquiry into the Robert Pickton police investigation will be released in Vancouver on Tuesday.

Attorney General Mike de Jong will announce who will head the inquiry and outline its terms of reference.

The B.C. government announced the inquiry earlier this month after Pickton lost an appeal of his six murder convictions and the Crown stayed another 20 murder charges.

The inquiry is expected to look at how dozens of women disappeared from Vancouver's Downtown Eastside over several years and how Pickton was able to prey on them despite warnings a serial killer was on the loose and he might be a suspect.

When de Jong first announced the inquiry, he said there are lingering questions about the investigations by the Vancouver police and RCMP and he hoped something could be learned from any mistakes that were made.

A Vancouver police report on the Pickton investigation revealed a series of mistakes, including a failure to share information, a lack of leadership, scarce resources and a bias against sex workers among some Vancouver police staff.