Sophie Gregoire Trudeau says women around the world face different barriers every day, but we must all come together to empower them.

The wife of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sat down with Canada AM's Marci Ien ahead of International Women's Day to share her thoughts on female empowerment, being a mother and staying true to herself in the national spotlight.

"Women's empowerment for me means knowing your rights, having the facts, knowing the truth about what is happening out there, here in our own country and the condition of women throughout the world," Gregoire Trudeau said in the interview that aired Monday.

"The barriers for women across the world are different, depending on which kind of political system you live under," she said.

"We're privileged here in Canada, but there's still so much work to be done on pay equity, on access to child care, on violence against women, the tragedy of missing and murdered indigenous women."

Gregoire Trudeau, 40, an activist who speaks publicly on issues relating to women and children, self-esteem and eating disorders, said it's important to remember that in some parts of the world, women don't even have basic rights.

"We can't really compare the barriers," she said, adding that education and awareness are key to bridging the gaps between different societies.

"We must come together, not only to share these facts and to continue to educate women and men, but as mothers, as parents as friends, we must be responsible for raising our kids to see and to exercise that justice between themselves," Gregoire Trudeau said.

Gregoire Trudeau said she's proud to be married to a feminist who supports her and the causes she's passionate about.

The Trudeaus have three young children, Xavier, Ella-Grace and Hadrien. Gregoire Trudeau said she doesn't separate her roles as mother, daughter, friend and the prime minister's wife.

"I feel privileged with what I have…There's so much gratitude," she said.

In the past, Gregoire Trudeau has publicly discussed her struggles with bulimia and self-esteem issues. Her decision to be open with her life is a choice, but also "a way of being," she said.

"If we're honest enough to know ourselves and to share our stories and our truths … we can grow as an individual and help people in their own struggling and their own suffering."

Gregoire Trudeau also said she's looking forward to meeting First Lady Michele Obama when she and Trudeau attend the White House state dinner on March 10