A flood watch for the North Gower area has been issued for this weekend by the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA).
With up to 25 millimetres of rain is possible for the area and unseasonably warm temperatures, the RVCA says flooding may be possible in North Gower around Stevens Creek and Taylor Drain beginning March 16.
“There is going to be elevated water levels as well as the elevated flows,” said Isabelle Maltais, Director of Watershed Science and Engineering at the RVCA. “So, we ask the resident to be cautious.”
The Authority says no significant flooding is expected at this time, but localized flooding is a possibility. Excessive snowmelt and runoff this weekend could also lead to flooding in low-lying areas such as ditches and stormwater areas.
“Although we have a lot of snow, it is not similar to the flooding we may have seen in 2017 and 2019,” said Maltais.
Despite the minimal risk, she advises homeowners to take precautions and residents to stay away from bodies of water.
“Make sure that your sump pumps are working in good order, downspouts are clear. Make sure you have a backup generator,” she said.
The flood safety warning system consists of four levels of alerts: water safety, flood outlook, flood watch, and flood warning.
At this time, a lower-level flood outlook has been issued for the Rideau River and any bodies of water branching off of it. Both the flood watch and flood outlook are in effect until March 18.
The South Nation Conservation has also issued a flood watch for this weekend and the Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority has issued a flood outlook.