Sudbury — Sudbury city council finalized its budget for 2022, releasing details late Wednesday night.
The budget results in a 3.1 per cent increase for tax payers. That means on a home ssessed at $230,000, the monthly tax increase will be about $8, while a home assessed at $350, 000 will result in a tax hike of $13.
The city says its operating budget for 2022 is $661.8 million.
Council also approved two major projects, pending funding from the province and Ottawa. The development of the Valley East Twin Pad Multipurpose Sports Complex and an infrastructure renewal project for MR55/Lorne Street.
"The 2022 municipal budget is a reflection of resiliency in the face of ongoing challenges brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Greater Sudbury Mayor Brian Bigger.
"City Council has approved a sustainable service delivery plan focused on making significant investments into our community’s health and safety, quality of life, and economic future. I would like to thank Council and staff for their commitment to this process, and extend my appreciation to residents for sharing their budget priorities with us."