
New mega mall to open in TMR


CTV Montreal: Mall slated for TMR The groundwork has begun for a large commercial development in the Town of Mount Royal, Maya Johnson reports.

A large shopping mall could be on the way to the Town of Mount Royal not far from where Highways 15 and 40 meet.

Municipal authorities in TMR have been making zoning bylaw changes to welcome the facility to the area southwest of the intersection of the Decarie Expressway and Highway 40.

“It looks like we’ll have the biggest shopping centre of Quebec right in the heart of the island,” said TMR Mayor Philippe Roy.

He argues that such a development would provide a boost to the area and to all of Montrealers.

“Obviously there are fiscal benefits for TMR but I would also think that there are benefits for all of Montreal. Anyone living on the island who wants to go to a large shopping centre needs to go out of the island to Laval or Brossard,” said Roy.

The would-be developer is the same company behind the Quartier Dix30 but they declined to go on record with details of their plans, which some believe would be similar to the Dix30 South Shore mall with stores, restaurants, movie theatres and possibly even an entertainment venue or concert hall.

One marketing professor told CTV Montreal Thursday that the plan seems sensible.

“TMR in general is understored. It's has a very high population density. The people in TMR are a little older and they're going to want to travel less to get to their retail establishments, so I think it's a good thing,” said Robert Soroka, Marketing Professor at Concordia University

But the plan also has detractors.

“Montreal has a very slow economy right now and adding nearly three million square feet of commercial space outside of city centre - the urban area of Montreal - only takes out the possible income from those establishments,” said Glenn Castanheira of the St. Laurent Merchants' Association.

Mayor Roy said that his only possible misgivings have to do with possible traffic issues.

“Obviously traffic will be a challenge,” he said. “My understanding is that the promoter is already working on a traffic plan to make sure that people will have access easily to the commercial centre.”

The developer will officially unveil its plans in the spring, when TMR holds public consultations on the project.