Perhaps trying to save time by multitasking, a Michigan man seemed to think it would be a good idea to show up on a court video call about his licence suspension while driving with a suspended licence.

But Judge Cedric Simpson, a district judge in Ann Arbor, Mich., certainly did not agree.

Video from the court appearance on May 15 shows the judge's surprised reaction as he realizes the man is at the wheel of a vehicle.

When asked if he was driving, defendant Corey Harris says he is just pulling into his doctor’s office.

Judge Simpson then voices his disbelief to the public defender representing him, saying, "So maybe I don't understand something. This is a driving-while-licence-suspended [case], and he was just driving, and he didn’t have a licence?"

The bold move didn't end well for Harris. His bond was revoked and he was ordered to turn himself into a local county jail the same day.