Anyone who's spent an entire day running after a toddler knows it's an exercise in frustration.

Pick up the toys, and they magically appear on the floor again minutes later. Bathe the tot squeaky clean, and she's a complete mess after one meal.

The only thing more frustrating is being asked: "You're home all day, why aren't you getting more done?"

One mother from Tampa, Fla., answers this question for all moms -- though her words ring true for stay-at-home dads, too.

"Moms work their buns off all day and yet somehow nothing is done at the end of the day...this is why," writes  Esther Anderson, author of the popular blog, Story of this Life.

Clearly, she's preaching to the choir, as the video has racked up more than 2.2 million views since it was posted last week, and close to 68 million views on Facebook.

Anderson had another popular video on her hands in December, when she posted a one-minute clip of what happens when she tries to sleep in and gets bothered by her raring-to-go "baby alarm clock." That video has amassed more than 14 million views.