A Michigan library is fighting back against what it calls an attempt at “censorship” by restocking DVD copies of the racy ‘Fifty Shades’ series after they mysteriously went missing on multiple occasions.

The Berkley Public Library first noticed the second film in the erotic romance trilogy, “Fifty Shades Darker,” had gone missing more than a year ago, according to the local paper the Detroit Free Press.

Librarian Lauren Arnsman said they replaced the DVD and didn’t think anything more about it. That is, until the replacement copies disappeared again, along with the other movies in the series in June.

The library’s DVDs of the erotic film “Eyes Wide Shut” and the documentary “Jerusalem” also disappeared, according to Arnsman.

In an Instagram post, the library said they replaced the missing material with new Blu-Ray DVDs. A week later, the brand new copies were moved again, the library said.

Last week, the library updated their Instagram account to let their followers know they had found all of the missing movies hidden in the building.

In a clear message to whoever took the films, the library prominently displayed the DVDs on a shelf with a sign.

“The Berkley Public Library is against censorship. Someone didn't want you to check these items out. They deliberately hid all of these items so you wouldn't find them. This is not how libraries work,” it read.