A woman from St. Marys, Ont. has been charged with harassing communications after she allegedly made a series of Facebook posts targeting two dog owners.
The Guelph Police Service said they began receiving calls in early January from concerned residents. They had all seen the social media posts and were worried about the welfare of two dogs at a home in the south-end of the city.
The posts claimed the German shepherds were left outside in the backyard overnight, even as temperatures dropped below the freezing mark.
The poster also identified the owners, offered to share their home address with anyone who wanted it and encouraged a boycott of their small business.
The owners told police of several instances where people had shown up at their door and yelled at them, while others tried to get into their backyard. A drone was even flown over their home, without permission, and took pictures of their backyard.
One Facebook post read: “Don’t stop now because nothing has been done to help these dogs.”
The owners insisted the German shepherds were safe and comfortable.
Police said officers and officials from Provincial Animal Welfare Services (PAWS) visited the homes several times. PAWS were satisfied the dogs were being properly cared for.
“Their conclusion and finding is that there is no concern for the dogs in question,” said Scott Tracey, a spokesperson for Guelph Police.
Officers spoke to the woman who made the Facebook posts, but they said she refused to take them down.
The 57-year-old was charged on Tuesday.
Police said other Facebook users could face similar charges, however those they spoke to ultimately took down their posts from social media.
CTV News spoke to the dog owners who called the past few days challenging. They have chosen not to share their side of the story at this time.