Marilyn Denis is clarifying reports that she is leaving her mainstay morning show to endorse a skincare line.

“So not true,” the host told CTV’s Your Morning on Friday.

A series of phony news articles spread across social media recently claiming ‘The Marilyn Denis Show’ host was departing the program after eight seasons for a business partnership with a beauty line.

“So Long Marilyn Denis” and “Queen Hands Over The Crown,” read two of the headlines, but there were “about 10 variations on the same theme,” she said. A viewer wrote to her asking if it was true, and friends took screengrabs of some of the articles on Facebook. Denis said she doesn’t know who is behind the scam, but her team has sought help investigating the issue.

“It’s just ramped up and it’s now out of control,” she told CTV News Channel later on Friday.

Not only does the new season of ‘The Marilyn Denis Show’ premiere on Monday Sept. 10, but Denis said she would not endorse a product outside of the talk show and its website. “If you don’t see it on then it’s not real,” she said.

Some of the articles prompted readers to fill out forms and purchase skincare products. She implored viewers on Your Morning to report the hoax social media posts if they see them.

“I’m losing sleep over people giving their information… who knows what they do with that information?” she said. “Please tell your relatives, your daughters, your fathers, whatever -- because some people are buying them as gifts -- it doesn’t exist.”

But her talk show certainly still does, and the ninth season of will find Denis fly fishing in Ireland, getting behind the camera, and completing “a lot of makeovers.”

“Just take every season that we’ve done before and amp it up a little bit more,” she said. “Whether you are watching at home or watching in the studio, we’re having a lot of fun.”