An opportunity to play a role in a Disney movie is almost every kid's dream, which is why hundreds of people converged ona Calgary-area community on Saturday.

Men, women and children waited for hours in Cochrane, Alta., to audition for a spot in ‘Togo’, a live-action movie being filmed in and around Calgary over the next few months.

According to the casting call, the film’s producers were looking for people to play background characters living in Alaska in 1925.

‘Togo’ is based on the true story of the ‘Great Race of Mercy’, in which Alaskan dog sleds and mushers raced to save the town of Nome. Several Nome residents died during an outbreak of diphtheria, a bacterial infection which can lead to serious heart and neurological issues.

The famed Iditarod dog sled race was created in 1973 in commemoration of the 1925 expedition.

The film’s producers were looking for a variety of men and women, as well as children between the ages of three and 12.

The movie starts shooting in the Calgary area next month and is scheduled to wrap up by next February.

IMDB names Willem Defoe as the film’s star.