Rob Ford’s announcement he is taking a leave to seek immediate help to deal with his “issues” came the same night a Toronto newspaper reported it had obtained an audio recording it says includes candid comments from the Toronto mayor, including lewd comments about his election campaign rival, Karen Stintz.

CTV News has not been able to verify the authenticity of the audio recording, but we have listened and transcribed these highlights for your consideration.

In the recording reportedly made at an Etobicoke bar, a man who sounds like Ford can be heard speaking about the mayoral election campaign and the potential for his re-election. A woman can be heard at various times calling the name “Rob” and trying to get the speaker to calm down.

Much of the recording has Ford ranting against his political opponents in the mayoral race. Ford says the only opponent he sees as a threat is Olivia Chow.

“I’d rather lose to Olivia Chow than lose to anyone,” he says.

Later in the recording, the man is asked about mayoral candidate Karen Stintz. “I’d like to f--king jam her, but she don’t want…” he says, before a number of voices burst into laughter. A woman’s voice is then heard saying something unintelligible, prompting an apology.

“I’m sorry, I forgot there was a woman in the house.”

When asked about provincial politics, he can be heard slamming Ontario Progressive Conservative leader Tim Hudak for siding with the Ontario government’s decision to raise a rainbow flag at Queen’s Park on Pride Day.

“Tim Hudak comes up and says, ‘Yeah, I agree with all the gays,’” he says. “Right there, he lost my vote.”

Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne also gets a mention, as he explains why she won’t get his vote either.

“Not because she’s gay or anything, I just don’t like the corruption. I might have to vote Green,” he says.

At one point, he is also asked when he last smoked marijuana. He does not answer the question.

Early in the recording, he says the city will beg him to come back if he’s not re-elected. “They’re going to be f--ked so bad,” he says. “I’m not coming back. Once I’m done, I’m done. I’m going to California.”