
Teen car crash survivor wants to find life-saving Good Samaritan


16-year-old saved by a stranger Jaz Richards is lucky to be alive after a horrific car accident. As Alison MacKinnon explains a stranger found the injured teen walking.

A teenager who nearly died in a horrific car crash wants to trace the Good Samaritan who plucked her from the side of the highway and took her to hospital.

Sixteen-year-old Jaz Richards was heading home after hanging out with friends in Coalhurst, southern Alberta on Sept. 21, when police say she missed a turn in heavy fog before her car flipped and ended up in a ditch.

Jaz somehow managed to get out of her crushed car and staggered along the highway to find help. That’s when a big-hearted truck driver stopped and took her to Lethbridge Hospital.

Fighting back tears, Jaz told CTV Lethbridge that she could have been left on the highway if it wasn’t for the mystery man.

“I probably would not be in the condition I’m in now if he hadn’t taken me to hospital,” Jaz says.

“I’m just very very grateful that he stopped and took time out of his night to help me.”

It was one of the worst nights of Tacy Ellingson’s life too.

Tacy became concerned after her daughter was late for her curfew and wasn’t answering call or texts.

Now Tacy wants to show her appreciation to the stranger who helped save her child.

She says: “12:30 came up and Jeremy was like ‘that’s it I got to go get her’ so he went to go look for her and called me at the stop sign telling me how foggy it was, he didn’t feel good as soon as he saw that.”

After getting a call from the emergency room Tacy rushed to see her daughter, still not knowing what to expect when she got there.

Hearing her daughter’s voice was the best sound she ever heard.

Doctors told her family they didn’t understand how Jaz was speaking or got herself out of the car.

The teen is now home and healing with her family, while the identity of the man who helped her is still a mystery as he didn’t tell anyone his name at the time.

Tacy added: “She’s as well as she is because of you and if there’s anything I can do – I mean the least I could do is clean your car – I can only imagine, I saw the state Jaz was in and I know, I just want to say thank you.”

With a report from CTV Lethbridge’s Alison MacKinnon