OTTAWA - Canada is making a final push to land a temporary seat on the UN security council.

Prime Minister Harper will be at the UN in New York next week to restate Canada's case for a seat on the organization's most powerful decision-making body.

The Canadian Press has learned that Canada has Russia's vote, despite recent tensions over Arctic sovereignty.

But some other countries say they're leaning towards Canada's two rivals in the contest -- Germany and Portugal.

At least one Western European ally is questioning Harper's commitment to the UN, noting he chose a Tim Hortons photo-op over addressing the General Assembly last year.

There's also uncertainty about whether African countries will support Canada.

Harper will try to shore up that support on Tuesday when he speaks to the Millennium Development Goals summit about Canada's G-8 campaign to reduce deaths of young children and mothers in the Third World.

On Thursday, the prime minister will address the General Assembly for the first time in four years.

The UN's 192 ambassadors decide the contest for the two-year seat in a secret ballot on October 12th.