Calgary — A Calgary Airbnb host has a unique seasonal property for rent that offers guests the chance to experience winter in an igloo.
"One of the quietest and warmest ways to enjoy the winter months," the ad reads.
The igloo, which is located in the host’s southeast Calgary backyard, boasts two amenities — free parking and a first aid kit.
No kitchen, bathroom or Wi-Fi is offered with the $15-per-night property, but guests do have access to the outdoor firepit, which comes with a bundle of wood.
According to the ad, the nine-foot igloo accommodates two people comfortably. Guests are advised to bring their own sleeping bags and pillows, however the igloo does contain a thermarest and mylar space blankets for comfort.
"The purpose of putting the igloo on Airbnb is to share the experience of winter camping that we as a family enjoy," the ad reads.
"You get to experience it without being stuck in the back country for your first time and if you don't like it you can head back to the safety and warmth of your home."
No booking dates are currently available.