The mother of missing 20-year-old Christina Calayca is vowing to continue the search for her daughter and believes that her daughter has been abducted.

Elizabeth Rutledge was speaking the day after police called off the search for her daughter in Rainbow Falls Provincial Park located on the north shore of Lake Superior. The area was searched for almost three weeks in efforts to find Calayca.

Members of Christina's extended family had been camped out near Thunder Bay, Ont., since the search began, anxiously awaiting news of her whereabouts.

After authorities announced on Thursday that they were calling off the search in the park, some family members said they could begin a search of their own.

"There's no sign, so we know that she's not in the Rainbow Falls," Rutledge told CTV's Canada AM. "She was taken somewhere else."

Rutledge said that tips regarding the whereabouts of her daughter continue to be received and that investigators are continuing to assist in the search for Christina.

"I have a lot of faith that she's still somewhere here, that she's not lost in the Rainbow Falls, because we searched the whole thing for three weeks," Rutledge said.

Calayca was camping with her cousin and two men she knew from a Christian youth group when she decided to go for a jog in the early morning hours of August 6 and has not been seen since.

"I'm just hoping that my daughter is going to be found," Rutledge said.

Authorities suspect that Calayca lost her way in the bush and have said they do not suspect foul play in the case of her disappearance.