Motorists in Edmonton were being advised Monday to stay off the roads as a spring blizzard dumped more snow on the city.

As much as 25 centimetres had dropped in the area by Monday afternoon. The city has been dealing with full winter conditions since late last week.

"We're back into full winter operations," said Bob Dunford, a spokesperson for Edmonton's roads and maintenance department.

CTV Edmonton's chief meterologist Josh Classen said the storm will likely stick around for the next 60 hours.

"Still a lingering chance of some flurries into (Tuesday) morning, by (the) afternoon I think we're just going to see mostly cloudy skies," he said. "It will still be on the cold side and still windy."

By Monday afternoon, temperatures in parts of Alberta and Saskatchewan had dipped to well below zero. Calgarians were coping with a temperature of -8 C, while in Saskatoon it was -6 C.

Much of northern Saskatchewan was expecting heavy snowfall Monday, with 15 to 30 centimetres expected on the ground by Tuesday morning.

Far northern Manitoba is also under watches or warnings for possible heavy snow, ice pellets and Freezing rain.

Westerners affected by the bad weather can take heart in knowing the cold weather will soon end, says an Environment Canada climatologist.

"I suppose we shouldn't be surprised that given the kind of winter we've had across parts of the West, that it would come back one more time to bite us late in spring," Environment Canada's David Jones told Canada AM on Monday.

The cold air won't dissipate until week's end, but "thankfully, the snow, the freezing rain, the blowing snow ... should wind down by tomorrow across Alberta and Saskatchewan," he said.

An extended winter is expected this time of year in areas further north, but on the weekend, places like Nanaimo, B.C., also got big loads of the white stuff.

"We snapped a record here in Vancouver for the latest snowfall on record. Over in Victoria, the heaviest snowfall on record. And on the east side of the island around Nanaimo, they had 25 to 35 centimetres -- that's totally unprecedented," Jones said.

A pool of Arctic air sweeping down to Washington State, meeting a Montana low pressure system, is the culprit, he said.

"I was up on top at Whistler (a ski resort north of Vancouver) on the weekend and it was -19," he said.

The historical daytime high for Whistler at this time of year is 7 degrees, according to The Weather Network website.