An Ontario woman unexpectedly gave birth in her toilet.

"I just felt like I had to go to the washroom and my body just started pushing and contracting on its own and out she came," Crystal Beaumont–Delong told CTV Kitchener.

Even though Crystal was aware she was pregnant, her due date was still two days away and she didn’t experience any serious contractions. So when her baby girl popped out, it was a complete surprise.

"She just basically went ‘Ow’ and I kind of saw something but I wasn't sure what,” said Crystal’s mother, Tina Beaumont–Delong. “It was just unbelievable. You just don’t have time to think.”

A dispatcher helped Tina and Crystal through the process, explaining what to do over the phone until the paramedics showed up.

Waterloo Region paramedics arrived within minutes, and according to the family, were amazingly calm throughout.

“That was the best call I’ve ever been on,” said Rochelle Moreira, one of the paramedics that came to assist. “I was very happy to be there for the beginning of life.”

“We see a lot of negative in this job. We go to a lot of calls where it’s a lot of people’s worst day and you know, that day was their best day and we are so glad to be there for them and provide some good comfort and make sure that everyone was healthy in that situation,” said Cody Schwende, the other paramedic on duty that night.

The delivery went smoothly and both Crystal and baby Miranda are doing well. Miranda is a healthy eight pounds.

“She’s my miracle,” said Crystal.

With files from CTV Kitchener’s Leena Latafat