[View the story "Horror of Moncton shooting captured on social media" on Storify ]Horror of Moncton shooting captured on social media As RCMP in Moncton, N.B. launched a massive manhunt for a gunman suspected of killing three Mounties and injuring two others, residents who heard and witnessed the shootings hid in their homes, posting updates, photos and videos on social media. Storified by CTVNews.ca · Thu, Jun 05 2014 19:20:06
One Facebook user posted a video shot from inside a house as gunshots were heard outside. A man in the video shouts: "He shot him!" and "Call 911!" The video made the rounds online. Others shared their fear and anxiety on Twitter as they kept their doors locked and their children hidden in the basement.
Still in basement with family. 4 year old & one 2.5 year twin still up. Neiborhood still locked down. Ppl hiding in closets and bathroomsWill Njoku
Wife scared and I'm very uncomfortable. Feel like we're surrounded by police activity. Cruisers still on my st. Tired and saddened by this.Will Njoku
4 cops cars flew down street here...chopper overhead.pray people!Kim Rackham
One man tweeted a photo taken by his friend, purportedly showing the shooter from behind.
#Moncton friends stay safe... #codiacrcmpFriend caught a pic of the shooter... Stay inside...@Brett_Global @CBCNS http://t.co/2I8bk2Nb5QPatrick Hemsworth
Meanwhile, New Brunswick RCMP tweeted updates about the manhunt and warned residents to remain indoors.
Shooter still beleived to be in Pinehurst Subdivision area of Moncton. Stay locked inside. Leave outdoor lights on. #Codiac #RCMPNBRCMP New Brunswick
The mayor of Moncton and New Brunswick premier offered their condolences.
Terrible sad news for Moncton. Stay indoors and allow police to do their job. Prayers for the families.George LeBlanc
I'm shocked & saddened to learn of tonight's tragic situation in Moncton I extend my thoughts and prayers to those affected #PrayForMonctonPremier David Alward
Others, including federal politicians, tweeted messages of support, sadness and anger.
Oh god, I just heard the news out of Moncton. :( The city is in my thoughts.Zoe York
#PrayForMoncton RIP to my fellow officers and praying there are no more deaths. #HeroesInLifeNotDeathJeff Bangild
How the hell do you search the darkness for someone intent on killing you solely b/c of your @RCMPNB uniform?! #Courage #PrayForMonctonAndy Petersen
Tragedy in #Moncton tonight. Prayers & sympathies to the RCMP families & friends.Peter MacKay
My thoughts and sincerest condolences to everybody affected by the shooting in Moncton. #prayformonctonThomas Mulcair
On Thursday, local residents expressed their concern for the ongoing situation and shared condolences for the fallen officers.
You see this happen throughout the world... You never think it will happen in such a tiny city like #Moncton. I guess anything can happen.Dev
@rcmpgrcpolice Praying For Moncton... Sending Out My Condolences To The Family's And Friends Of The Officers That Were Gunned Down YesturdayLindsay Fraser
@1Magnet2Another well I managed to sleep a bit but woke up to find out we're still on lockdown!! Haven't found him yet!! :(Melissa Killam
Nightmare still going. #PrayForMoncton The entire world is praying for our little city. Be safe and heed police warnings.Tasha Bailey
@_kayladuff_ I'm sure they'll catch him soon, my entire neighbourhood is on lockdown right nowDanielle Doyle
Peace Officers' Mourning Ribbon - Royal Canadian Mounted Police http://t.co/9mknQmdRlT Please show your support #MonctonSue MacDonald
Keeping a good thought for Police and everyone back in Moncton today. #PrayForMoncton #monctonshootingKurt
Thank all of these people keeping our province safe.All my condolences for the 3 police who died.Stay safe and in your house #PrayForMonctonkennedy stiles
@cher Please pray for my brother who is currently on a manhunt for a man who shot and killed 3 police officers in my hometown last night.Danny Blanchard
We will be stronger after this! #MonctonStrong http://t.co/0kfjADerUA.Michelle H Tardiff
Everything is shutdown here in Moncton! This is a terrible situation. Hope this ends soon! #PrayForMoncton #monctonshooting #monctonstrongms. zonica
#rip to the RCMP officers that were murdered in the shooting and their families and friends. #prayformonctonkarkarros
Shocking and unsettling to spot a helicopter circling, outside our front window. #PrayForMoncton http://t.co/iyXDJyPd2qKara Cawthra
Still can't believe this stuff is happening right here in Moncton. Doesn't even feel like it's realthe Kid
Still can't believe this stuff is happening right here in Moncton. Doesn't even feel like it's realthe Kid
As a resident of North Moncton just waiting for this to be over and grieving for the brave RCMP officers who died #MonctonMelissa Brown
I Can hear the police yelling omg #PrayForMonctonRae
Police standing on both sides of my block with shotguns in hand. May god bless them & hoping this ends soon! #PrayForMonctonCelena Stright
Locked down in our Moncton home. Love and prayers to RCMP heroes. They are everywhere - stay safe.Michael Coleman
Very proud of the way our Mayor has responded and is handling this incredible tragedy.#PrayForMonctonChris A. Cormier
So, the gunman is still at large. Was spotted a few times earlier this morning, but hasn't been taken down yet. Still staying our homes!Andy Martin
In #Moncton, safe and sound. My heart goes out to the families of the shooting victims. Hope we can get this guy soon. Stay safe.Maryse
As police began to converge on a building, users tweeted messages of hope but still exercised caution.
As police surround the shooter, now is the time for us to pray that there be no more casualties, now is the real time 2 #PrayForMonctonCityImpactPastor
By Thursday afternoon, residents began voicing concern and despair.
So, the gunman is still at large. Was spotted a few times earlier this morning, but hasn't been taken down yet. Still staying our homes!Andy Martin
Apparently he was NOT in the appartment.Tristen Terry
RCMP checking vehicles at the end of the street. #moncton #prayformonctontopmlmpro
I hope the police can find killer soon.i feel very sad for the mounted police and their family I pray for themanitaarsenault
the scariest part is, what if they don't find him today/tonight?mik
This is scary. R.I.P to the 3 RCMP who've died fighting for us and a big thank you to those risking their lives still. #PrayForMonctonJenna Morris
Kind of scary to think RCMP don't really know where the shooter is. Hope we don't have to spend another night w him free. #prayforMonctonMandy Savoie