It’s that time of the year again. Nearly as soon as Halloween ends, twinkling lights appear, holiday decorations plaster storefronts and the internet complains about Starbucks’ new cups.
On Tuesday, the giant coffee chain introduced a limited-edition green cup celebrating community at its U.S. stores. The artwork on the cup shows a mosaic of more than a hundred faces drawn in a single, continuous pen stroke. In a press release, the company’s chairman and CEO, Howard Schultz, said the cup represents Starbucks’ connections to the community.
“During a divisive time in our country, Starbucks wanted to create a symbol of unity as a reminder of our shared values, and the need to be good to each other,” Schultz said.
Friends, baristas, and customers drawn in one continuous line—reminding us we're all connected. 💚
— Starbucks Coffee (@Starbucks) November 1, 2016
Artist Shogo Ota was commissioned to craft the new cups and his “threaded design” was intended to show “shared humanity” and a “united community,” according to the press release.
The Starbucks announcement didn’t say anything about the green cups being released as this year’s annual holiday cup. Since 1997, the coffee company has rolled out a festive new cup design every year during the holiday season.
Last year, the coffee chain received criticism when they released a simple red holiday cup that didn’t include any traditional Christmas motifs. The company was accused of creating a “war on Christmas” and taking Christianity out of the holidays.
Since you're running away from Christianity, I'm running from you! Just exercising my financial choice #ccot #tcot
— Leah (@Hael381) November 5, 2015
The fact that Starbucks took Merry Christmas off their cups is crazy to see where our society has come to. Cmon Who doesn't like Christmas.
— Diego (@traplifetrue) November 7, 2015
It may have been the cups’ November release or the green colour that led many customers into believing they were Starbucks’ latest holiday cup. For a design that was intended to inspire unity in the community, the cup appeared to incite more outrage than harmony … in the online community anyway.
RT if you think @Starbucks is trying to take Jesus out of Christmas with the new cup. Make this go viral so Starbucks makes cups red again.
— Jazmine H (@JazzHandd) November 1, 2016
When it's red cup season but Starbucks is giving out green ones 🙄 #GetItTogether
— Isabella (@itzabella_matuk) November 1, 2016
Apparently the not-holiday cup has arrived at Starbucks, green with faces.
A photo posted by 》Julia 《 (@stjulia3) on
My Starbucks cup is green. What level of outrage should I be at Twitter?
— Dan Mott (@DMott3) November 1, 2016
@Starbucks This is ugly. I want snowflakes ❄️!
— crystal fox (@bluefox198107) November 1, 2016
Went to get my first Red Cup and it's GREEN? WHAT? My gingerbread latte is instantly less festive. So mad @Starbucks.
— Meg Towner (@MegTowner) November 1, 2016
Despite the onslaught of negative reviews online, not everyone was upset about the green cups. A number of social media users commended the coffee chain for their attempt at positivity.
I like the news @Starbucks green holiday cup - I like to think its a message of inclusivity (w/ppl on cup). Prob reading too much into it!
— Meggie (@mbsthinks) November 1, 2016
@ArchieBunker19 @Starbucks You gotta love people so miserable that a cup meant to celebrate community offends them. community is liberal?
— Rey (@vedhed21) November 2, 2016
Totally feelin' this #BeGoodToEachOther #holiday green cups from @Starbucks! Positive way to start the day! 😀❤️
— ChicagoChocoCup (@ChicagoChocoCup) November 1, 2016
@Starbucks can't believe how pissed people get over a cup of any color. Lol
— Robert (@Giants55) November 1, 2016
@Starbucks love it! Desperately needed reminder in turbulent times 💕☕️💕☕️💕☕️💕☕️
— jamadoria (@janel_amador) November 1, 2016
Another Twitter user realized the green cup was probably not even this year’s holiday design.
@Starbucks All this annoyance, and it's probably not even the holiday cup.
— Davi Morgan (@DaviMorganna) November 1, 2016
Enraged customers will be able to calm their shaken nerves after numerous photos showed up on social media of Starbucks boxes with the text “No peeking until November 10” printed on the side indicating the holiday cups have yet to be revealed. One Reddit user, DasUberSquid, even posted a photo of a red cup with holly leaves and the caption “I peeked.” Starbucks has not confirmed if the leaked photo shows this year’s cup design.

Hmmmm I wonder.... #starbucks #redcups
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